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Welcome to Reception,

Miss Franklin and Miss James are the class teachers and are assisted by Mrs Mangan and Mrs Pickford who are our wonderful Early Years Practitioners.

Mrs Carr is our Learning Support Assistant and will be in the class every day supporting with interventions.

In Reception, we use Development Matters guidance for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Throughout all of our work, the staff in Reception will be assessing the children against the objectives outlined within this document and also use it to ensure that all individual needs are being met.  

In Reception, the morning consists of Phonics (taught through Sound start phonics). In Phonics, the children will be introduced to graphemes (the way a letter looks) and phonemes (the sound the letter makes)

We will support the children with blending and segmenting to support reading and writing.

 In Maths, the children will be following the NCTEM mastering number program, which includes enjoyable animations from the familiar characters the number blocks, children find these sessions engaging and help the children to understand different mathematical concepts 

Reading books will be given to all children in reception.  Reading is a vital importance in early literacy, communication and language and phonics development. Books are changed weekly. We ask that you listen to your child read at least three times a week. Little and often is key!

Children access the outdoor area every day in small groups and learn through play.

Thank you,

Reception team