Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
In year 5 our English texts are:
Kensuke’s Kingdom
Wind in the Willows
Our Year 5 author is Katherine Rundell
Our class Bible story is Abraham and the starry sky and the focus is that God loves us and keeps his promises.
PE & Games:
Indoor PE: Friday
Outdoor Games: Thursday
Y5 trips
Autumn 1
Hanley Library 23rd and 24th September
Autumn 2
Dudson Centre
5S – 6th November
5L – 7th November
Stanley Head
5S - Tuesday 19th November
5L - Wednesday 20th November
Spring 2
Prime VR – Space
Monday7th or Tuesday 8th April
Summer 1
Wolseley River Centre
Summer 2
Whole school author visit
In Y5 we have roles and responsibilities including
- Arts ambassadors
- Action club leaders
- Book area monitors
- Prayer partners
- School councillors