Remote Learning
Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, schools have been expected to provide remote learning for children who are not able to attend school. During the pandemic, we adapted our approach to ensure that we were offering the highest quality remote learning we could and that we were meeting all DfE Remote Learning Requirements. Whilst we hope there will be no further national lockdowns, we continue to offer remote learning provision if circumstances require it. Please speak to a your child's class teacher if you require more information about remote learning.
As well as teachers providing lessons and work for children via Class Dojo, we also use a variety of websites and online resources to support learning.
Here are some additional websites to support your child's education.
EYFS & Year 1 & Year 2 children - Numbots Game
Key Stage 2 - Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (
Year 5 & Year 6 - SATS Companion - SatsCompanion
BBC Bitesize - Primary resources, homework help and online games - BBC Bitesize
Oak Academy- Year listing | Oak National Academy