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Physical Education



In the National Curriculum, three key elements occur throughout KS1 and KS2.

These are:

  • To develop practical skills
  • Be physically active
  • To compete.

These elements can be achieved through these 6 areas of activity:

  • Dance
  • Gymnastic activities
  • Games
  • Outdoor and adventurous activities
  • Athletic activities
  • Swimming (Y3, 4, 5 and 6)

Foundation Stage follows the Foundation Stage Curriculum which has its own physical strands that children follow daily. Year 1 also incorporates outdoor play and activities throughout the day as part of their curriculum.

In addition to the above statutory requirements, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children will have swimming sessions where appropriate within their spring term. Where appropriate and funding allowed, some year 6 children will have extra ‘catch up’ lessons in swimming to help them achieve the national water safety requirement for the end of KS2.

The introduction of a mobile pool on sight will see the opportunity for younger children in KS1 to partake in swimming activities during the spring term also. This will be done on a rolling program between year groups.

KS2 will be involved in outdoor and adventurous activities during the academic year at Stanley Head Outdoor Pursuits Centre. These will include: Mapping Skills, Nightline/Team Building, Bushcraft/Den building, Climbing wall/Abseiling, a River Study Day, Axe Throwing/Challenge Wall/Canoeing.

In PE lessons children will be encouraged to plan, perform and evaluate. Each lesson should provide an opportunity to develop and reflect on each element within this process.

In KS1 all children have the opportunity to participate frequently in dance, gymnastics and games/multi skills over the course of the year. In KS2 children have the opportunity to participate in dance, gymnastics, games, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming during the course of each school year. 

Here are some useful websites to support PE. Please speak to your child's class teacher for more information.