Competition & Events for 2024-25
- Year 3 fun Change For Life festival
- Girls football competition Y5/6
- Y4 indoor athletics competition
- Boys football competition Y5/6
- Cross Country at Birches Head KS2
- Year 5/6 indoor athletics competition
- Year 6 cricket training with year 6 to support at lunchtimes
- P.E ambassadors chosen and support staff
- Playground leader training KS2
- Year 1 and 2 cricket training with chance to shine foundation
- Year 3, 2, 1 cricket club after school on Wednesdays
- Stanley Head outdoor adventure activities for all KS2 year groups
- Year 2 dodgeball competition
- KS1 multi skills competition (year 2) Fenton Manor Leisure centre
- Y5/6 Futsal competition at Fenton Manor Leisure Centre
- Stanley Matthews Day- whole school event in conjunction with ASM and Jean Gough.