At Hanley St Luke’s we teach for mastery and believe that fluency, reasoning and problem solving are at the core of all maths lessons, including maths across the curriculum. This approach begins from nursery and extends throughout the school to year 6. We aspire for children to ‘keep up, rather than catch up’, setting out a clear approach to proficiency for pupils. (Co-ordinating Mathematical Success 2023)
Mastery of mathematics is something that we want pupils - all pupils - to acquire, or rather to continue acquiring throughout their school lives, and beyond.
At Hanley St Luke’s, we believe that all pupils can achieve in mathematics! There is no such thing as a ‘Maths person’, that is the belief that some pupils can do maths and others cannot. A typical Maths lesson will provide the opportunity for all children, regardless of their ability, to work through Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving activities.
The focus on mastery and growth mind-set learning in mathematics instils behaviours such as determination, respect, perseverance and resilience, all of which are part of a values system that create a more positive and harmonious Britain. Maths teaching for mastery rejects the idea that a large proportion of people ‘just can’t do maths’. At Hanley St Luke’s, all pupils are encouraged by the belief that by working hard at maths they can succeed.
Here are some useful websites to support maths. Please speak to your child's class teacher for log in details or for more information.
Primary resources, homework help and online games - BBC Bitesize