PSHE is taught both discretely and through an embedded process at Hanley St Luke’s depending on the age of the children and the topic being taught.
RSE is delivered through the Growing up with Yasmin and Tom program from FPA.
Early Years follow the New Early Years Framework:
- Following daily rules and routines.
- Developing positive relationships.
- Developing self-confidence and self-awareness.
- Listening to the opinions of others.
- Actively engaging in conversations and responding appropriately.
- Developing empathy and respect towards others.
- Showing sensitivity to the feelings and needs of others.
- Answering ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions.
- Expressing feelings and emotions.
- Playing co-operatively.
- Understanding the importance of keeping healthy and safe. Respecting similarities between those of all faiths and none.
From September 2023, children are taught through the Jigsaw programme as we trial it:
- Stories.
- Circle time.
- Discussion.
- Role Play.
- Modelling and Demonstrating.
- Songs.
- Picture News.
- Lessons.
- Continuous Provision.
- Worship.
Across KS1 and KS2, the PSHE Association Programme Builders (Thematic Model) is followed.
Our PSHE programme endeavours to embed and promote the meaning of our vision statement through teaching the overarching core themes of:
- Autumn Term: Health and Well Being
- Spring Term: Relationships
- Summer Term: Living In The Wider World
Here are some useful websites to support PSHE. Please speak to your child's class teacher for more information.